
The Environment, Communities, and Economy: Realizing a Framework for Working Together to Plan our Future


March 8, 2016


 8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Registration and Light Refreshments

 8:30 a.m. – Welcoming Remarks

Senator Elect William M. Castro, Director, Bureau of Statistics and Plans


8:45 a.m. – “GIS-based Screening for Cumulative and Secondary Impacts From Proposed Projects in Northern Guam”

Joseph Rouse, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Water and Resources and Environmental Enginerring, University of Guam


9:15 a.m. – “Sustainable Development: Challenges and Opportunities in the Construction Industry”

James Martinez, President, Guam Contractors Association


9:45 a.m.  – Plenary Session 1 – Economic Development and Land-Use Planning

Department of Land Management

Marvin Agular, Chief Planner


Tricee P. Limtiaco, Special Assistant, Office of the Governor of Guam


Guam Economic Development Authority

Matthew Sgro, Business Development Assistant Manager

Brianna Benito, Industry Development Specialist


11:00 a.m.  – Plenary Session 2 – Open Spaces and Marine Resources

Bureau of Statistics and Plans

Andrea Hershberger, Biologist II, Coral Reef Initiative Coordinator


Department of Parks and Recreation

Jose “Pep” Quinata, Chief Planner


State Historic Preservation Office, Department of Parks and Recreation

Jose Garrido, Historic Preservation Specialist


12:00 p.m.  – Working Lunch – Guam Coastal Management Program 101


1:00 p.m.  – Plenary Session 3 – Forest, Soils and Guam’s Natural Charm


2:00 p.m.  – Plenary Session 4-Critical Infrastructure and Disaster: Preparedness Planning

Bureau of Statistics and Plans

Edwin Reyes, Administrator

Guam Coastal Mangement Program


Homeland Security

Pilar Carbullido, Program Coordinator III


Consolidated Commission on Utilities

Joey T. Duenas, Chairman


3:00 p.m.  – Break


3:15 p.m.  – Plenary Session 5 – Bridging Fiscal Opportunities

Guam State Clearinghouse

Kate Baltazar, Administrator


Imagine Guam Initiative

Troy Torres, Strategic Planning Advisor, Office of the Governor of Guam


Bureau of Budget and Management Research

John A.B. Pangelinan, Budget and Management Analyst Supervisor


4:00 p.m.  – Closing Remarks

William M. Castro Director, Bureau of Statistics and Plans


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