

The Administration section of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans is responsible for providing executive direction, and for providing administrative and fiscal support necessary for the effective implementation of the Bureau’s programs. While Administration has no purview over setting the executive direction of the Guam Developmental Disabilities Council, the Bureau is mandated by Executive Order 94-09 to provide fiscal administrative support to the Council.

The Administration section is also responsible for ensuring the achievement of the mission of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans to ensure Guam’s resources are effectively used for the benefit of present and future generations by ensuring consistency among various plans, policies and programs and for overseeing comprehensive plan development activities. As it is responsible for executive direction, Administration initiates, directs and reviews the activities of all of the Bureau’s sections. It is responsible for advising the Governor and assisting the Governor and his staff in coordination of activities among the various government agencies. Lastly, the Administration participates in various committees and task forces.

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