Census Bureau Releases 2020 Island Areas Censuses Detailed Cross-Tabulation Data for Guam

FEB. 15, 2024 — The U.S. Census Bureau today released 2020 Island Areas Censuses Detailed Cross Tabulations for Guam.

The release includes 95 demographic, social, economic and housing characteristics tables. These characteristics are cross-tabulated by race, Hispanic origin, age, sex, place of birth, educational attainment, labor force status, occupation, industry, and income and earnings. Housing characteristics are cross-tabulated by age of householder, household income in 2019, household size, tenure, units in structure, and year built. This final release of 2020 Island Areas Censuses data include Island Area and county-equivalent levels of geography.

The following highlights are for the Guam Island Area level of geography.

Demographic Characteristics in 2020

  • The median age was 33.7 years; the median age of males, who made up 50.9% of the population, was 32.7 and of females (49.1% of the population) was 34.7.
  • Nearly half (46.0%) of the total population reported their race as Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone and over a third (35.5%) identified as Asian alone.
  • The Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone population (median age 30.1) was younger and the Asian alone population (median age 42.9) was older than Guam as a whole (median age 33.7).
  • Compared to Guam as a whole (median age 33.7), the White alone population (6.8% of the population) was slightly younger (median age 32.9) and the Multiracial population, also referred to as the Two or More Races population (10.0% of the population), was much younger (median age 21.7).
  • Among the Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone population, males (median age 29.3) were younger than females (median age 31.1). Among the Asian alone population, males (median age 41.5) were also younger than females (median age 44.1).
  • In the White alone population, males (median age 34.3 years) were older than females (median age 30.9). Males in the Multiracial population (median age 22.1) were also slightly older than females (median age 21.2).
  • The median age of the Hispanic or Latino population of any race (2.9% of the population)  was 28.4 and was younger than Guam’s overall population (median age 33.7). Among the Hispanic or Latino population, males (median age 28.0) were slightly younger than females (median age 28.8).

Social Characteristics in 2020

Note: These social characteristics exclude people living in military housing units because of effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on data collection operations. (More information is available in the related section below.)

  • Over half (59.7%) of grandparents living with grandchildren under age 18 in households were female.
  • A higher percentage of younger coresident grandparents in households were female: 70.3% of those ages 30 to 44 compared to 58.3% of those age 65 and over.
  • Among adults ages 25 to 29, 33.2% of women and 25.2% of men in households were currently married. This pattern reversed among adults age 75 and over in households where 35.1% of women and 72.9% of men were currently married.
  • More than a quarter (25.3%) of people age 25 and over in households had a bachelor’s degree or higher. Educational attainment varied by sex and age: 27.1% of women and 23.4% of men had a bachelor’s degree or higher. People ages 55 to 64 (26.8%) were the most likely and those ages 25 to 44 (24.2%) the least likely to have a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • Among people age 18 and over in households, the median earnings in 2019 dollars of those with a bachelor’s degree ($43,713) was more than double the earnings of those with less than a high school degree ($17,769). The median earnings of males ($51,383) with a bachelor’s degree or higher were greater than those of females ($38,807) with a bachelor’s degree or higher.
  • Among 18- to 24-year-olds in households, 27.3% of men and 32.9% of women were enrolled in college or graduate school.
  • Among the population age 5 and over in households, 57.3% spoke a language other than English. Of that group, 65.9% spoke English “very well” and 42.8% spoke a Philippine language.
    • Of the population ages 5 to 17 in households, 32.3% spoke a language other than English. Of that group, 71.8% spoke English “very well” and 34.5% spoke an  Other Pacific Island language.
    • Of the population age 65 and over in households, 82.9% spoke a language other than English. Among them, 61.3% spoke English “very well” and 45.1% spoke a Philippine language.

Economic Characteristics in 2019

Note: These economic characteristics exclude people living in military housing units. The Island Areas Censuses asked households about their income the previous year (in 2019).

  • The poverty rate for all people in households for whom poverty status is determined was 20.2%.
  • The poverty rate for the Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander population in households was 28.5% and the poverty rate was 12.3% for the Asian alone population in households.
  • The poverty rate for the Hispanic or Latino population of any race in households was 11.3%.
  • The median income of all households was $58,289.
    • The median income of households with a Chamorro householder was $61,028 and with a Filipino householder was $60,739.
    • Households with a householder 45 to 54 years old had a higher median income ($69,677) than any other age group.
    • The median income of households with a householder born in Guam was $61,163.
  • More than one-quarter of households with a householder 25 to 34 years old (27.3%) and 35 to 44 years old (28.0%) received Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Plan (SNAP) benefits.
  • Among people age 16 and over in the civilian labor force, 89.8% were employed and 10.2% were unemployed.
  • The unemployment rate was 10.9% for women and 9.6% for men.
  • Among workers age 16 and over, 76.5% worked full-time, year-round (35 hours or more per week, 50 to 52 weeks).
  • Among workers age 16 and over, 56.3% were born outside of Guam and 43.7% were born in Guam.

Housing Characteristics in 2020

  • More than 80% (84.1%) of all housing units were occupied, 52.0% by owners and 48.0% by renters.
  • In owner-occupied households with only one person, comparing across age groups, those householders ages 15 to 24 made up the smallest share (2.2%) and those age 65 and over the largest share (40.4%).

Note: The following housing characteristics exclude military housing units and those households living in military housing units.

  • The median monthly owner cost for households with a mortgage whose housing was built in 2019 or 2020 was $1,567, and $409 for households that did not have a mortgage. The median gross rent for households living in units built in 2019 or 2020 was $1,507.
  • 85.8% of children ages 5 to 17 lived in households with a computer and broadband internet subscription.
  • Households with a computer and internet subscription had a higher median income  ($65,193) than those without a computer ($27,484).

For more information about 2020 Census products for the Island Areas, view the 2020 Island Areas Censuses Press Kit.

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on 2020 Island Areas Censuses

While the 2020 Island Areas Censuses operation was successful, the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the quality of the collected data on detailed social, economic and housing characteristics for American Samoa, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. To ensure the Census Bureau’s high data quality standards are met, adjustments were made to data products reporting population and housing characteristics.

Data users should consider the following when using Guam’s data products:

  • Detailed characteristics of military households and military housing units in Guam were not collected in 2020. As a result, data tables for these characteristics do not include the population living on military installations. Direct comparisons between the 2010 and 2020 responses for Guam should note these differences.
  • Data tables reporting social and economic characteristics do not include the group quarters population in the table universe. As a result, impacted 2020 data tables should not be compared to 2010 and other past census data tables reporting the same characteristics. The Census Bureau advises data users to verify table universes are the same before comparing data across census years.
  • The Census Bureau advises that data users consider high nonresponse rates while using the 2020 Census of Guam’s available characteristics data. Nonresponse rates were higher in 2020 than past censuses because of the COVID-19 pandemic impacting data collection efforts.

Additional guidance for data users using the Island Area characteristic data is available in the Guidance on Using Data from the 2020 Island Areas Censuses fact sheet.

About 2020 Island Areas Censuses Data Products for Guam

The 2020 Island Areas Censuses provide a wide range of demographic, social, economic and housing information to meet the U.S. Island Areas’ data needs. Census Bureau surveys, such as the American Community Survey (ACS), are not conducted in the Island Areas. Therefore, the Census Bureau used a long-form census questionnaire in the 2020 Census similar to the ACS questionnaire used in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. 

The Census Bureau previously released population and housing counts, a demographic profile, and the demographic and housing characteristics file for Guam from the 2020 Island Areas Censuses. More information is available on the 2020 Island Areas Censuses Data Products webpage.

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Public notices may be viewed at bsp.guam.gov/federal-consistency-2/ and written comments may be submitted to the Guam Coastal Management Program Office, Ricardo J. Bordallo Governor’s Complex, Hagåtña, Guam 96910. Comments must

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