The OHAPP is the lead agency for coordinating homeless programs for the Government of Guam and works with other GovGuam agencies and the Guam homeless coalition to further efforts.
Our vision is showing people they can regain/restore their -ability from their vulnerability. We believe helping out is helping up.
OHAPP Statutes: EO 2020-23
a. Office of Homelessness Assistance and Poverty Prevention. There is hereby created the Office of Homelessness Assistance and Poverty Prevention (OHAPP) within the executive branch and under the administrative supervision of the Mayor’s Council of Guam. (Amended per EO 2020-37 to: under the administrative supervision of the Office of the Governor, in close coordination with the Mayors’ Council of Guam.
i. The OHAPP shall be the lead government of Guam coordinating agency on homelessness assistance and poverty prevention and may obtain, receive, and administer grants to support its mission and operations. The OHAPP may employ such personnel as may be necessary to carry out its functions.
ii. Departments and agencies mandated to provide housing, public assistance, human services, healthcare, social services, education, public transportation, behavioral health, employment, workforce development, substance abuse, parole services, child protection services, adult protective services, disability services, jail and prison reentry, emergency preparedness and response, and public safety services shall cooperate and assist the OHAPP with its mission to stabilize and assist homeless individuals and families. Departments and agencies may physically and administratively assign personnel to assist the OHAPP on a permanent, temporary, or rotational basis including but not limited to eligibility specialists, caseworkers, social workers, and housing staff.
iii. Original documentation to establish proof of residency required to obtain a Guam Identification Card for Homeless Individuals and Unaccompanied Homeless Youth pursuant to Public Law 35-32 and §57107 of 10 GCA Chapter 57 from the Department of Revenue and Taxation may be issued by the OHAPP.
iv. The OHAPP shall establish a Family Reunification Program to identify family members both on Guam and abroad for reunification of the homeless population with their families, to coordinate the transfer of services, and to facilitate travel if necessary for the purposes of obtaining medical care not available on Guam or for humanitarian purposes.
v. The Director of the Department of Public Health and Social Services shall prioritize and consider applications and requests made by the OHAPP for individuals seeking eligibility for participation to receive mileage for off-island medical care pursuant to §2311(e) of 5 GCA Chapter 23.
b. The Office of Veterans Affairs of the Government of Guam shall actively identify and engage homeless veterans for the purpose of securing housing and public assistance benefits, including homeless veterans housing vouchers. Such efforts shall be done in conjunction with the OHAPP and GHURA.