Buenas yan Hafa Adai!


In our continued commitment to provide the public and our stakeholders with a comprehensive picture of our community and economy, the Bureau of Statistics and Plans is pleased to present to you the

2014 Guam Statistical Yearbook“.

This source book presents a collection of current and historical socio-economic information that portrays Guam’s economic trend and performance over time.As our economy continues to improve from the benefits of increased tourism arrivals, improved job opportunities, Guam’s growing military presence, and the anticipated construction growth and infrastructure development, the Guam Statistical Yearbook serves as a valuable resource tool in providing information needed to promote economic diversification and prosperity for the people.  We trust this report will provide our government, business and civic leaders with the tools needed to effectively develop immediate and long term strategies to address our island’s needs and generate investment opportunities to local and prospective businesses alike.I would like to commend the staff of the Bureau for their dedication and hard work and acknowledge the valuable contributions of the various government agencies and private sector businesses whose efforts have made this publication possible.  It is my hope that the information contained in this report presents a clear picture of Guam’s economic condition and outlook in the upcoming years.Dangkulo Na Si Yu’os Ma’ase’,

Bureau of Statistics and Plans