The Bureau of Statistics and Plans, Guam Coastal Management Program, in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office for Coastal Management held the 5th Assembly of Planners’ Symposium at the Dusit Thani Guam Resort on February 20, 2020.The symposium consisted of three main tracks: flood control, land use planning, and zero-waste. Panelists were management experts from the field who discussed and addressed real-life scenarios island-wide. In addition to agency displays, there were three concurrent workshops from the US Army Corps of Engineers, Guam Coastal Management Program, and NOAA Office for Coastal Management.
Presenter Slides:
Climate Change Resilience Commission Report – |
Track 1- Flood Control Marie Auyong, NOAA Coastal Zone Management Liaison |
US Army Corps of Engineers |
An Introduction to Federal Consistency – |
Decisions Support Tools – Digital Coast |
Guam Forest System Plan |
Track – 3 Zero Waste -Biosolids |
Guam Food Waste Report & Food Recovery Opportunity Cory Hinds, P.E., Project Manager, Jacobs |
Cory Hinds, P.E., Project Manager, Jacobs |
Therese Arroyo-Matanane, Managing Partner |
Assembly of Planners 4 Symposium
Feb 6, 2019
Assembly of Planners’ 2019 Symposium Agenda
Session I
FlameTree Permitting Improvements through Technology
Session II
first – GEDA_Opportunities_Planner Symposium
second – Historic Revitalization Plans JoeQuinata
third – Multi-Generaltional Village Planning – MikeMakio
Session III
Compiler Guidance for Drafting GARR (April 2013)
GARR Drafting Presentation AOP Symposium (February 6, 2019)
Session IV
Joe Mafnas Forest Conditions and Trends
Session V
first Guam 2019 Assembly of Planners Bradley Watson
third GHS-OCD_APS4_20190206 Leo
3P: Plan, Protect, Progress
Mar 13, 2018
Assembly of Planners’ 2018 Symposium Agenda
Planning the Village of Tomorrow
Nov 30, 2016
2nd Assembly of Planners’ 2016 Symposium Agenda
Guam Coastal Management hosted its second Assembly of Planners on the 30th of November. The mission of the assembly is to address the many challenges governmental departments face while balancing land use, resource protection, and governmental cooperation. It is the hope of Guam Coastal Management that by hosting the Assembly of Planners, the participants would leave with a better understanding of smart development, enhanced cooperation techniques, and an overall improved understanding of partnering agencies’ edicts and missions.
159 people from a variety of agencies and businesses attended this event that lasted from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. If you are interested in seeing the information that was discussed during the assembly you can find both the program and the PowerPoints via the links below.
The Environment, Communities, and Economy: Realizing a Framework for Working Together to Plan our Future
Mar 8, 2016