The Bureau of Statistics and Plans (Bureau) is issuing this public notice to the public for the Guam Southern Ring Buried Fiber Optic Cable and 5G project. The Bureau was awarded federal funds from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) servicing the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) under the Broadband Infrastructure Program.
Total federal award amount: $12,770,692.18
Term: 03/01/2022 to 02/28/2025
The funding covers two projects to include the a) Guam Southern Ring Buried Fiber Optic Cable and 5G project in the amount of $11,360,146.93 to be conducted by subrecipient, PTI Pacifica, Inc., dba IT&E and b) Project to Provide Low Latency to Guam Users in the amount of $1,410,545.25 to be conducted by subrecipient, TeleGuam Holdings, LLC dba GTA.
Project: Guam Southern Ring Buried Fiber Optic Cable and 5G project. IT&E proposes to install strand buried fiber optic cable to 26 existing wireless tower sites along the major routes in southern Guam in a ring architecture with two physically-diverse, interconnected rings from Piti to Chalan Pago to provide survivable broadband infrastructure and 5G broadband internet service to historically unserved and underserved residents, businesses and anchor institutions in southern Guam.
Pursuant to 5 GCA, Division 1, Chapter 5 § 5214, the Bureau issues this sole source determination with PTI Pacifica, Inc., dba IT&E, to procure Ericsson wireless equipment and Ericsson RAN software to support the Guam Southern Ring Buried Fiber Optic Cable and 5G project. The nature of the sole source procurement from IT&E covers the
- Ericsson equipment associated with adding antennas and radios to existing towers to support fixed wireless access over the cellular signals; and
- Ericsson RAN software to enable the 5G features of the wireless network
The Director of the Bureau of Statistics and Plans, in cooperation with the Chief Technology Officer of the Office of Technology, and the Director of the Department of Public Works have determined the sole source procurement of the Ericsson equipment and RAN software by PTI Pacifica, Inc., dba IT&E to be fair and reasonable and in the best interests for the people of Guam.