Notice is hereby given by the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) that a grant application is being made for funding from the government of Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans to rehab/retrofit the Hagatna Aquatic Swimming Facility (the Hagatna Pool) located in Hagatna, Guam, Lot No. 87-5.
The Territory of Guam is proposing to restore the Hagatna Aquatic Swimming Facility (the Hagatna Pool) so that it is suitable for full use. The long-term goal of this project is to rehabilitate and retrofit the Hagatna pool to comply with all relevant health, safety and building code standards. Hagatna is Guam’s capital and the City’s only pool has been closed since January 2020. This facility was used in the past as a recreational facility and as a training facility for off island swim clubs. Rehabilitating/retrofitting the pool will add recreational and tourism opportunities for the city.
An assessment of the existing facility has been completed and all upgrades necessary for the project have been determined. The project will not require significant changes to the footprint of the facility. The upgrades are anticipated to include:
- Rehab/retrofit the main pool and deck which shall consists of but not limited to – Architectural repairs to include: main pool finish upgrade; main pool depth marker/no-diving markers; pool ladders & stairs; lifeguard chair; Structural repairs to include: leveling of the pool structure/new SS gutter system/deck; pool concrete shell repairs; pool joint sealant; Mechanical repairs to include: pool piping; main drain grates (VGBA compliance); spray bar; recirculation discharge pipe flowrate; recirculation pipes; main drain suction line; Electrical repairs to include: underwater light replacement; junction box relocation; speaker niches; bonding; electrical panels, wiring, lighting and GFCI.
An upgraded pool/swimming facility will provide health care and recreational opportunities to the citizens of Guam, and it will also provide additional opportunities for tourism and improve the tourism economy.
Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, EDA is conducting an environmental assessment (EA) of the proposed project.
Additionally, a determination has been made by the EDA, in accordance with the President’s Executive Order 11988, that the project will be located in the 100-year floodplain, and that there is no practicable alternative. The project has been designed to minimize the risk of loss of life and property damage due to flood and storm damage and minimizes the adverse impacts in floodplain value and function.
Project information is available for review at the Bureau of Statistics and Plans’ main office located at 513 West Marine Corps Drive, Ricardo J. Complex, Hagatna, Guam 96910, 671-472-4201/2/3, Monday through Friday, 8:00am to 5:00pm, excluding weekends and government of Guam holidays.
If you have any information regarding potential environmental impacts associated with this proposed project, please provide it in writing to:
EDA Regional Environmental Officer
Subject Line: Rehab/Retrofit of the Hagatna Aquatic Swimming Facility (the Hagatna Pool) or call (202) 763-9566
Comments will be accepted by the EDA for 30 days following publication of this Public Notice. If no adverse comments are received, this will be the only notice.